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Why invest in Hedge Funds

Diversification  | Funds that access different markets such as private credit, equities, interest rates, currencies, and commodities, both in Brazil and abroad.


Funds that access different markets such as private credit, equities, interest rates, currencies, and commodities, both in Brazil and abroad.

Professional Management  | Dozens of experienced professionals organized into teams and committees, who gather to discuss operations with potential asymmetrical returns and define the portfolio.

Professional Management

Dozens of experienced professionals organized into teams and committees, who gather to discuss operations with potential asymmetrical returns and define the portfolio.

Fundamented Allocations  | Hedge Funds only make allocations based on macro and microeconomic analyses, grounded in directional and relative positions.

Fundamented Allocations

Hedge Funds only make allocations based on macro and microeconomic analyses, grounded in directional and relative positions.

For Different Profiles  | There are Fund options for all risk profiles, from the more conservative investor to the more daring.

For Different Profiles

There are Fund options for all risk profiles, from the more conservative investor to the more daring.

What are Hedge Funds?  | Hedge Funds are based on highly versatile allocations, operating across different asset classes and diverse sectors, such as equities, public and private securities, foreign exchange, commodities, interest rates, and similar. Their goal is to outperform the CDI benchmark in line with several risk profiles, from the most conservative to the boldest, always aiming for higher returns while controlling external risks.

What are Hedge Funds?

Hedge Funds are based on highly versatile allocations, operating across different asset classes and diverse sectors, such as equities, public and private securities, foreign exchange, commodities, interest rates, and similar. Their goal is to outperform the CDI benchmark in line with several risk profiles, from the most conservative to the boldest, always aiming for higher returns while controlling external risks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the expected return of the Funds?

In the long term, the Funds aim to outperform the CDI benchmark in line with several risk profiles, from more conservative allocations to more aggressive ones.

Is the Fund's profitability net of expenses?

The profitability is net of Fund expenses such as management and custody fees, for example. However, it is not net of applicable taxes like income tax (IR).

What can the Fund invest in?

Hedge Funds can invest in a range of markets and different sectors, such as equities, national and international fixed income, currencies, commodities, private credit, and more.

What are the Fund's expenses?

The Fund's expenses focus on fees such as management fees, as well as expenses like legal custody and the like.

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