This material has been prepared by Kinea (Kinea Investimentos Ltda and Kinea
Private Equity Investimentos S.A.), a company of Itaú Unibanco Group. Kinea does not market or
distribute investment fund quotas. Read the fund's regulations and other legal documents before
investing. The funds are supervised and regulated by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange
Commission - CVM. Open-ended funds not intended for qualified investors have essential information
sheets. These documents can be consulted on the CVM website or on the
respective fund administrators' websites. There is no guarantee of long-term tax treatment for funds
that indicate seeking this treatment in the regulations. Kinea funds are not registered in the
United States of America under the Investment Company Act of 1940 or the Securities Act of 1933.
They cannot be offered or sold in the United States of America or in any of its territories,
possessions, or areas subject to its jurisdiction, or to persons considered U.S. Persons for
purposes of U.S. capital market regulation. Kinea Investment Funds may present a high degree of
volatility and risk. Some funds indicate in the regulations that they use derivative strategies as
part of their investment policy, which, as adopted, can result in financial losses to their
unitholders exceeding the invested capital, requiring the unitholder to contribute additional
resources to cover the fund. A performance evaluation of investment funds for at least 12 months is
recommended. Past performance does not guarantee future returns, and investment funds are not
guaranteed by the Administrator, or by any insurance mechanism, or by the Credit Guarantee Fund -
FGC. The Investment in Shares Funds are closed-end funds in which the units are only redeemed at the
end of the fund's duration period. This modality concentrates the portfolio in few low liquidity
assets, which can result in financial losses to its unitholders that may exceed the invested
capital, requiring the unitholder to contribute additional resources to cover the fund in the event
of a negative result. The Real Estate Investment Funds are closed-end funds in which the units are
not redeemable, and the unitholders may have difficulty in selling their units in the secondary
market. The Credit Rights Investment Funds are open or closed-end funds, and: (i) when open-end
funds, the redemption of units is subject to the fund's cash availability; and (ii) when closed-end
funds, in which the units are not redeemable, the unitholders may have difficulty in selling their
units in the secondary market. The opinions, estimates, and projections reflect the current judgment
of the person responsible for their content on the date of their disclosure and are, therefore,
subject to change without prior notice. The projections use historical data and assumptions, so the
following warnings must be made: (1) They are not free from errors; (2) It is not possible to
guarantee that the obtained scenarios will effectively occur; (3) They do not constitute, under any
circumstances, a promise or guarantee of expected return or maximum exposure to loss; and (4) They
should not be used to support any administrative procedure before regulatory or supervisory bodies.
This content is informative and does not constitute, nor should it be interpreted as an offer or
solicitation to buy or sell securities, financial instrument, or participate in any specific
business strategy, whatever the jurisdiction. Some of the information contained herein has been
obtained based on market data and public sources considered reliable. Itaú Unibanco Group and Kinea
do not declare or guarantee, explicitly or implicitly, the integrity, reliability, or accuracy of
such information and disclaim any liability for any damages, direct or indirect, that may arise from
the use of this material and its content. This material may not be reproduced or redistributed to
any person, in whole or in part, for any purpose, without the prior written consent of Kinea. Any
further information or clarification about the Fund can be obtained from the Administrator and the
Manager, through the email: